Speeding Up Digital Transformation in Education

Many school districts and academic institutions are gradually working towards digital transformation. Access to the latest imaging, input and display devices can jumpstart or expedite these projects. Learn more about how choosing the right technology partner can facilitate purchasing, funding, digitization and innovation in the educational sector.

Easier Purchasing

Districts and institutions can join purchasing programs to benefit from the latest technological innovations and services. Grouping technology spending across campuses and systems can allow for more competitive pricing on scanners for schools, printers, laser projectors and other technology to support administration, communication and learning.

Cooperative purchasing programs such as the Pennsylvania Education Purchasing Program for Microcomputers or PEPPM and The Interlocal Purchasing System or TIPS make it easier for public procurement officials to negotiate purchases of educational technology. Bid-protected purchasing is the most affordable way for buyers in this sector to obtain the latest models of digital devices, especially compared to independently purchasing the same equipment.

Government Funding

Many accredited school systems are eligible for government funding directed towards educational technology and digital transformation projects. Administrators and information technology specialists should research and apply for any available programs that can cover the costs of modernizing operational and instructional assets. A number of grants and programs could be available at any time, though most initiatives are set to expire on specified dates.

Whether an institution needs classroom display and imaging devices, printers or peripherals such as a Topre keyboard, it may be possible to use federal, state or local funding to pay for these purchases. By partnering with education technology consultants and planning ahead, stakeholders can determine how much funding will be necessary to achieve transformation goals in less time. Purchasing programs and educational discounts can also enable any funding to go further.

Digitized Records

Scanning, processing and storing documents are essential steps towards digital transformation. A company that offers high-volume scanners and provides document management services can significantly speed up this process. Whether administrators want to prioritize infrastructure management or data privacy and security, the right corporate partner can facilitate the most critical aspects of educational IT programs.

Integrating imaging technology into educational workflows can facilitate ongoing transformation, but managing existing records often exceeds the capacity of school staff. Outsourcing these portions of the transition from paper-based documents to digital data can provide timely access to data that could otherwise remain siloed for longer.

Technological Innovation

Continuous advances in technology allow for innovations such as portable touchscreen display technology and the quietest keyboard switches. The pace of development is so rapid that even a district or institution that joins a purchasing program, obtains government funding and pursues cutting-edge digitization solutions can still run the risk of falling behind. 

Partnerships between institutional technology advocates and external consultants can keep educational stakeholders apprised of developments and ensure that staff and students continue to benefit from the latest technological advances. Administrators, educators and technology companies can work together to adopt new solutions, complete digital transformation projects in less time and better prepare students for the future.

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